Custom Suits

100% Made to Measure Suits

Are you looking for a custom suit that will enhance your looks and style? Incredible has the answer! Our suits are not only high-quality but they are also tailored entirely to your measurements. Choose from more than 300 fabrics and various details to design your own look. We guarantee the perfect fit of your tailored Incredible suit

Start with a base style

2 Piece Suits

3 Piece Suits

Custom Tuxedo

Kurta Pajamas



How its works?

Fit to Perfection Guaranteed

From fabrics and buttons to pocket styles and lining colors, personalize your handcrafted look. Take control and feel confident with our Perfect Fit Guarantee.

Design your custom suit

Select the fabric

New trendy suit fabrics every season. We offer a wide range of fabrics for every season so you can be on-trend in a affordable and eco-friendly way.


Personalize details on your suit such as lapels, pockets, lining. Explore all of our options online.


Take your measurements for your suit wherever you are. You don't need a tailor, you just need a friend and a measuring tape.